Mental Health Check List
Mental Health Checklist
These are some of the symptoms and conditions that Joanie experienced over her life. If you relate to these conditions described within Don’t Tell: Finding Home After Family Betrayal, please see a physician.
I am not a doctor and am not qualified to diagnose anyone. - Kathy Isaac
This symptom checklist and prayer is taken from Dr. Grant Mullen’s book Emotionally Free.
The information here is for educational purposes only and does not replace medical evaluation or a physician. These checklists are adapted from The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth Edition. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association, 2013.
Compare yourself to the symptoms listed below. If you see yourself being described, you should take this to your physician and discuss it with them.
At least five of the following symptoms need to be present every day for at least two weeks and there is no other personal situation (such as grief) or medical condition (such as drugs or low thyroid) that may be causing the symptoms.
Persistent sad, anxious, or “empty” mood, most of the time, most days
Feelings of hopelessness, pessimism and low self-esteem
Feelings of guilt, worthlessness or helplessness
Loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies and activities that were once enjoyed, including sex
Insomnia, early morning awakening or oversleeping
Loss of appetite and/or weight loss or overeating and weight gain
Decreased energy, fatigue, feeling “slowed down” or agitation that can’t be controlled
Procrastination, since simple tasks seem harder
Thoughts of death or suicide, suicide attempts or constant feelings of “life isn’t worth living like this”
Restless, irritable, bad tempered or never relaxed or content
Difficulty concentrating, remembering and making decisions due to persistent, uncontrollable cluttering of down, sad, negative thoughts that can’t be kept out of the mind.
Other common symptoms of depression are:
Persistent physical symptoms that do not respond to treatment, such as headaches, digestive disorders and chronic pain
Continuous anxiety that can’t be turned off; uncontrollable worry about small things, including physical health
Social isolation or withdrawal due to increasing difficulty making small talk
Other relatives with depression, alcoholism or nervous breakdowns
In children, look for increased irritability, persisting complaints of physical problems, agitation and unwarranted anxiety or panic or social withdrawal.
1. Depressed mood or irritability that may lead to antisocial or rebellious behaviour
2. Unstable mood that changes rapidly even with insignificant events
3. Poor concentration, drop in school performance, skipping school
4. Loss of interest in school or friends, social withdrawal even from family
5. Inability to stop worrying
6. Inability to sleep or always oversleeping to escape
7. Over or under-eating
8. Too much restless energy or always overtired
9. Inability to enjoy things that they used to find pleasurable
10. Many Physical complaints such as muscle pains, headaches, or abdominal pains
11. Feeling picked on or that everyone is against them
12. Inappropriate guilt, shame and blame
13. Increased use of street drugs or alcohol to self-medicate
14. Loss of interest in own appearance and personal hygiene
Mild depression is defined as a depressed mood most of the time for most days for at least two years with at least two of the following:
Poor appetite r overeating
Insomnia or oversleeping
Low energy, always tired
Low self-esteem
Poor concentration and difficulty making decisions
Feeling hopeless
These symptoms interfere with social or vocational function
Do you have excessive or unrealistic anxiety and worry about a number of events or actives? Has it been noticeable on most days for at least six months?
Is it difficult to control or “turn off” the worry?
On most days in the past six months have you felt:
Restless, keyed up, or on edge
Tired frequently
Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank
Muscle tension
Difficulty falling or staying asleep
Does the worry or anxiety cause significant distress (i.e., it bothers you that you worry too much) or significant interference with your day-to-day life? For example, the worry may make it difficult for you to perform important tasks at work. Interfere with relationships or get in the way of sleep.
Do you experience feelings of anxiety, fear or panic immediately upon encountering a feared social situation?
Is the anxiety out of proportion to the actual threat or danger the situation poses, after taking into account all the factors of the environment and situation?
Do you tend to avoid a feared social situation, or if you can’t avoid it, do you endure the situation with intense anxiety or discomfort?
The person experiences recurring intrusive and persisting, disturbing thoughts that cause anxiety and distress
The thoughts are unrelated to actual events
The person tries to stop the thoughts with another thought or action
The person is aware that the thoughts are untrue and from his own mind
Repetitive meaningless behaviour (hand washing, ordering, checking) or thought rituals (praying counting repetitions) that they must do to neutralize the unwanted disturbing thoughts
The thoughts and resulting actions are time consuming, disruptive and embarrassing to the person but they have no control over them
Exaggerated elation, rapid unpredictable mood changes
Irritability, impatience with others who can’t keep up with them
Inability to sleep, not needing as much sleep, too busy to sleep and mot being tired at the end of the next day
Big plans, inflated self-esteem, exaggerated self-importance, impulsive overspending
Increased talking, louder and faster and can’t stop
Racing and jumbled thought, changing topics rapidly, no one can keep up
Poor concentration, distractibility
Increased sexual desire, uninhibited, acting out of character or promiscuous
Markedly increased energy, “can’t be stoped” erratic aggressive driving
Poor judgement, no insight, refusing treatment, blaming others
Inappropriate high-risk social behaviour, brash, shelling people off, overreaction to events, misinterpreting events, distortion of meaning of ordinary remarks
Lasts hours to days, usually ending with a crash into profound depression
Not caused by street drugs like “speed” or cocaine
Father God, I come before you now and thank You for your unfailing love and compassion for me. Thank you that you care about my struggles and that you are walking with me all the time.
I ask that You would release Your healing anointing upon me today so that my serve cells would be healed, my serotonin levels would be corrected, my concentration would be restored and I would feel Your peace with a clear mind.
I thank You that I no longer have to feel any shame or condemnation for having a mood disorder or for taking treatment.
Show me how to help others find freedom from their mood disorders.
I ask this in the name of Jesus, AMEN.