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"Author Kathy Isaac is a tremendously gifted story teller. In Don't Tell, Isaac reveals the dark and brutal story of paternal sexual abuse a little girl from Chicago lived in real-time, but was sworn never to tell!  You will have an eye witness account of the miraculous difference Jesus made in driving out the darkness and despair and utterly transforming young Joanie Brusseau by lavishing her with redemption, hope, healing, purpose and a place of belonging in the family of God."

Bonnie and Allan Pic.jpg

"Kathy captured me and brought me into the life of Joanie.  It is a story of Heartbreak,  Hope and Healing as she finds her way home.  This is such an emotional read.  I wonder how many more Joanie's we may sit beside?  Grab a kleenex "

Bonnie Gallant

Co-founder of Agora Network Ministries

Co-author of The Beautiful Strokes of God


Toni Horras
Area Coordinator at Safe Families for Children

"Joanie Brusseau's life story is nothing short of an amazing account of God's love and faithfulness. Her younger years were fraught with tragedy and misery as her earthly family let her down time after time. But then her wonderful Heavenly Parent stepped in with immense healing! Her post salvation days are more exciting in goodness than her pre-salvation were in sadness! He supplied deep friendships and fascinating adventures.


To Him be the Glory!"


Arthur Jackson

Author Our Daily Bread

PastorServe, Assistant Regional Director Midwest Region 

Roughly 20 years ago, Joanie Brusseau eagerly and enjoyably entered the Judson Baptist Church (Oak Park, IL) family where I served as pastor (1994-2007). Reading Joanie’s gripping story—Don’t Tell: Finding Home After Family Betrayal—helped me to see that JBC was just the next in a series of steps in Joanie’s amazing journey. Her life and testimony are a tribute to how God powerfully uses people (knowingly and unknowingly) as His instruments of healing where injury and pain have been self-inflicted  or  weaponized by others.


Dr. Mike Sherbino
Mike Sherbino Ministries
Pastor Northend Church

What sets Don’t Tell apart from many others is the way it draws you in. You know you’re going to hear what you don’t want to, but like a magnet pulling you too close for comfort, author Kathy Isaac pulls back the curtain to reveal the hidden mystery. Family betrayal, the horror of incest and emotional agony far to reminiscent of the evening news keeps you reading while looking for a thread of hope. One wonders – is there hope for Joanie – will she ever recover from her downward spiral?

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