2020 was a difficult year. We learned to change our behaviour: observing physical distancing, changing how we do community, and "officially" eliminating hugs. Personally, it was a year of firsts as it was my first birthday, first summer, and first Christmas without my dad who died of cancer in May. It was very difficult to watch Dad, who'd always been my strong rock, slowly waste away. There were a lot of "unofficial" hugs with Mom as a result. I am forever grateful that we were able to get him home from the hospital, and that our family was allowed to visit.
But these very difficult firsts were tempered by other, happier firsts as we welcomed a new daughter-in-law into our family and watched our grand-daughter take her first steps and say her first words.
A dear friend reminds me that it though we often can't choose our situations, we can choose our attitudes. After a year like 2020, we quickly realize how little control we have in life. While it's important to remember to be safe and protect the most vulnerable, we must not live in fear. Jesus promises us peace. He promises that he has already overcome the world, regardless of what is thrown at us. Dad is with his Saviour and rejoicing every day.
Joanie's life was filled with great trials and tribulations. These challenges quickly took hold and controlled her perception of herself, her worth and every other aspect of her life. Once she accepted the true love of the good Father, everything changed. She saw herself differently and was drawn to know this new Father more.
Her story reminds us to meet with Jesus daily. Read scripture and remind yourself that you are loved. Take your cues from King David; pray and talk with God. Let him know your worries. David did. In Psalm 13 he asks God "How long, O LORD? Will You forget me forever?...Enlighten my eyes... I will sing to the LORD. It's a process, but he knows and understands that God is in control. Rest in Jesus and allow yourself the time to process God's love the way that David did.
As we enter 2021, let's remember that it's okay to lament 2020. It's a process, it may take some time. But also remember everything that has been done for us and claim the peace that Jesus gives.
It's a new year. Become a new person. Change the way you see things.