For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14
It wouldn't have taken long for anyone entering my parents' home to recognize my dad's passion for clocks. There were so many of them, mantle clocks, cuckoo clocks, pendulum clock, there was even an hour-glass, but the pièce de résistance was the grandfather clock, made by his uncle. Each hour the room would come alive as each clock chimed and rang. The grandfather clock slowly hummed as the hammer was pulled back then let go with a series of bongs, announcing the time to the household. The collective tick-tocks were music to my father's ears, but would keep my mom up all night. Dad was kind enough to stop the clocks at night so she could sleep. Since he passed this spring, many of the clocks, including his favourite grandfather clock, have not been wound, now sitting silent, and without purpose.
It's sad that clock sits idle, but how much sadder that a life would be lived without fulfilling its purpose. Each of us, designed in the image of God, are created for something, a purpose, a mission; more than just occupying time and space. It's not accidental that you or I are alive during these trying times, the scriptures talk about impending wars, famines, storms, earthquakes, and plagues. He knew it would happen and he created you specifically for this time. With all that's going on, there are endless ways to love and serve those around you. Take a look and ask God what His purpose for you is.
Prayerfully, ask the Spirit to properly set you for the day, and wind you so that you're energized to continue and complete the day's work. I spend time with Jesus: reading, praying, asking, listening, discovering His plan for me. Like the gears of the clock, I must be in lock step to function properly. Truthfully, I slip from time to time, more concerned with my time and plans than His; but when I ask, He puts me back on track, and I function as designed.
Take a look around you. What track has God put you on? Why are you here? How can you be in lock step with Him and fulfil the purpose He has for you... for such a time as this?
