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What's in a Word?

Writer's picture: Kathy IsaacKathy Isaac

What a joy it is to find just the right word for the right occasion! Whether for a sad occasion or a happy one, finding just the right word can be quite the conundrum. I've always been more on the quiet side-- in speech, words often fail me. I much prefer quietly lingering in a dark hidden corner as an observer, listening to the buzz around me, to being in the fray and mingling with the crowd. For me, idle chatter is arduous and awkward, so finding any words at all is an accomplishment, and finding a good and timely word is nothing short of miraculous.

Proverbs 15;23 speaks volumes to me. What joy to have the right word at the right time. If I happen to find the right word, it's usually a day or two after the right time, and much too late to share. That's why I often end my morning devotion asking for the Spirit to give me the right words throughout the day.

My natural tendency to withdraw could be seen as stand-offishness, so it amazes me when, from time to time, I'm actually approached for advise -- for a good word. In these time, its only through the Holy Spirit that I have anything remotely helpful to say.

Proverbs are general principles of life: good advice on how to live, and probable consequences to choosing to live life outside of these principles. Proverbs 15:23 is one principle that is not only good advice, but I like to claim as a promise as well: I will find joy in being filled with the Spirit, who will give me the words for an apt reply.

Over the years, I have discovered this promise to be true, as Jesus has been faithful to provide an apt reply when I've really needed it. Those times that I"m frozen, staring ahead with my mouth agape -- in distress. I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing - John 15:5. That's the only way I'm able, at all, to speak up in confidence, when inside, I am far more comfortable being part of the wallpaper in the room. (Does anyone still have wallpaper?)

A person finds joy in giving an apt reply—

and how good is a timely word!

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