Finding Home After Family Betrayal
Don’t Tell is based on the inspiring true story of Joanie Brusseau, who as a child experiences the ultimate betrayal at the hands of her family. Ravaged by a lifetime of mental illness and physical affliction, she finds healing and restoration through a chance encounter. Now on a new journey, she finds home in the most unlikely of places.
"You will have an eye witness account of the miraculous difference Jesus made in driving out the darkness and despair and utterly transforming young Joanie"
Neil Boron, Program Director/Host WDCX Radio
"... such an emotional read. Grab a Kleenex."
Bonnie Gallant, Co-author The Beautiful Strokes of God
"Her post salvation days are more exciting in goodness than her pre-salvation days were in sadness!"
Toni Horras, Safe Families for Children, Greater Chicago
"... a beacon of light and life to those who have been abused, traumatized and left to live with such horrors."
Arthur Jackson, Author Our Daily Bread
"Don't Tell is a must read...the book you will be telling your friends to read this year."
Dr. Mike Sherbino, Mike Sherbino Ministries

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A New Life in Jesus
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It is God himself who has made us what we are and given us new lives from Christ Jesus; and long ages ago he planned that we should spend these lives in helping others.
Ephesians 2:10 (TLB)